Monday, September 30, 2024

I Know.

Oh. My. God.

So, if you read my last post, in one month, I've gone from a Spring & Summer of broken pipes, and torn up lawns, and collapsing garden beds, and invasive weeds, and death, and glitches, and a mini neighborhood crime wave to collapsing porch railings, massively clogged downspouts, broken down fences, a dog that's refusing to eat most days, broken furniture delivered on the (wrong) rainiest day possible, windstorms & power outages, and bursting kitchen faucets ... And that's honestly just the highlight reel. It's safe to say that 2024 is absolutely kicking my tail⁠— not necessarily in a bad way, but not in a not-bad way either (if that makes sense).

Granted, it feels very rude, and selfish, and stupid of me to even be typing this out loud right now considering the devastation happening in all corners of my country, and the world at large, and I'm hoping it's clear that this is meant as an explanation and not a complaint, because the strange truth of it all is that I've done exceptionally well at taking it all in stride. Like, annoyingly well. Like, (I'm almost afraid to say it) the old me? The truth of it is, once upon a time (from birth), I was extremely on top of it. "It," meaning everything ... I was organized, early to everything, always prepared, put together, and virtually un-rattle-able. The worst part being that I was very possibly just wired this way naturally, even my earliest childhood memories provide me with information that this is easily my factory default setting. And then I short-circuited, spending a very large chunk of my adult live being very much ... rattled. Adding insult to injury, I didn't know how to get ME back because it was never something I had ever worked at. I didn't have to become that person. Each day I woke up in the morning, and I just was all of those things. Long story very short, I spent an absurd amount of time with a rather large portion of myself "missing." After long battles, and equal amounts of kicking, screaming, and meditating, and a LOT of work the fog, and smoke is abating from the battlefield, and I can see her again. 

She's coming back to me. I think I'm surviving my (mid-life) growing pains! 

Anyway, there's always more to every good story, but I'll spare you all of the gory details for now and leave you with this - YOU specifically - all the good folks that find there way to this corner of the internet, and for whatever reason have decided to stick around, and even for some of you to become regular readers ... Thank you. Thanks for hanging in there with me, and thank you for your patience, and coming along to share a laugh every now and then, even sometimes through tears. For those of you who have reached out, my inboxes are in a complete state of shambles so, if you're still in line to get a response from me ... STAY IN LINE! [a little election year joke]

Take care of yourselves, and each other out there!


"I know how it feels to be born in the dark 
stretching, growing for the light 
 to branch and bloom 
and what the air first tastes like 
 I know the feel of the storm 
 the wet lashing 
 and being stripped bare 
I know the waiting 
 the cold 
I know the arc of hope 
from dark to light 
 from cold to warm 
from bare to lush 
 I know."
