Saturday, August 31, 2024

Staying Afloat

Oof.  Reviewing the last three months of my calendar trying to figure out what to write in this moment, I am completely dumbstruck that August has come to an end.  Ok, ok if you're less than new here you know I kind of do this ... Often.  Like, how can any one person be SO utterly bamboozled by the time of year, or the incessant passing of days?  You're probably wondering, and I mean, don't get me wrong I'm not like a startled baby seeing a rainbow prism for the first time dancing across the wall on a sunny day or anything...

It's just that this year is absolutely flying by.  The good news is, I don't feel like I'm breathlessly chasing it, and through the setbacks, and heartbreaks (and there have been many) I am managing to keep the pace, but oh my god.  I was hoping my summer was going to be a vastly different experience from what it turned out to be— from broken pipes, and torn up lawns, and collapsing garden beds, and invasive weeds, and immense loss, and scheduled-blog posts that didn't publish, to my neighborhood's most recent brush with thieves, ne're do wells, and prowlers it just hasn't been the restful and restorative season I was looking forward to.  I keep holding out hope for a tranquil fall, but frankly I'm a bit too suspicious to start letting myself get excited for that ... I know the length of my latest to-do list, and well *shrug*

Through it all, I've been counting my blessings, I'm an incredibly lucky girl, and I'm thankful.  I'm also super stoked that my landlord and his guy Carlos (my favorite neighbor who doesn't technically live here, and the person without whom this entire block would fall apart) told me to get my fix-it wishlist together, and judging by the way he was rubbing his eyes and face as he said it told me we both know it's going to be a doozy this year.  So maybe my own personal to-do list will be shrinking a bit, we'll see, I'll be logging off shortly to get that hammered out tonight.  Wish me them luck that we can get everything completed before the rains start in again, and stick around until next June! I'll let ya know how it goes, and until then, whatever it is that you're up to, or facing, always remember that any forward motion is progress, and something to be proud of.  You've got this!

Ask.  Believe.  Receive.