To this day.
That’s why we need humor,
style, stamina, art.”
-Pamela Anderson
To this day.
That’s why we need humor,
style, stamina, art.”
-Pamela Anderson
My fellow Americans, and little darlings it's been a long, cold, lonely Winter (are you singing along? Don't worry, I won't make you follow the bouncing ball). The good news is, I think I'm finally on the verge of thawing out ... Slooooowly, but surely. The bad news is, I'm not entirely positive I'm ready for it. I mean, I am, but I'm not if that makes sense. I could definitely use several more dark weeks of blissful nothingness. You know, those terrible blustery days where the light never seems to join the party, and morning just sort of stretches into evening completely unnoticed, and no one really expects much out of anyone? Yeah, I could take a handful of those right about now. I guess it's pretty lucky I'm in the PNW then, I'm sure something like that will be on the menu once or twice in the next couple of months, I'm just longing to overnight them for no extra fee.
Oddly enough, this has been the most productive start to a year I've had in a ridiculously long time. I've begun planning my garden, hell I've already started most of my seeds! I've got a jump start on Spring Cleaning - I've been scrubbing, and shoveling out my house, getting rid of everything I don't love, or has become useless. The thing is, in my regularly scheduled life I'm a very tidy person; everything has a place, and all that, but lately I have admittedly NOT been living like that, and for quite a while now when I look around my house, I kind of just see everything through a red haze, and hear synthesizers in my head. I knew something had to give, but now I've become reorganizing fiend! I've been framing & hanging, replacing, removing, washing, and folding, storing, and tossing like a mad woman. And now ... I'm even cataloging and spreadsheet-ing. I know, I know this pen & paper gal barely recognizes herself either, but It's amazing how my life changes when I start the morning by eating a complete protein!
Pray for me, send good vibes, or phone in a good old fashioned Care Bear stare that I will be able to ride this wave of productivity for the rest of the year, and I'll do the same for you. Wishing you all the luck in the world that you're successful in whatever you need to accomplish right now!