The mandala, or मण्डल (for those of you down with Sanskrit) has been used in spiritual practices throughout history, spanning the traditions of Tibetan Monks to Indigenous populations of the Americas, and beyond. These "sacred circles" are nothing new, but are experiencing a certain resurgence in popularity. Even late night television commercials are punting mandala coloring books for adults snuggled between scenes of trashy, American "reality" programming -- this makes part of me want to weep for humanity, but the other part thinks it's pure genius! Who cares how the practice is introduced? As long as what you need finds you, that's what matters ... Plus,
if you act quickly, and call now(!) you'll receive two mandala coloring books! Don't be greedy, give one to a friend, and spread the Zen around!

The meditative qualities of creating, coloring, or contemplating mandalas are supposed to be quite healing. Coming solely from an artist's point of view, I can definitely grasp how this could be beneficial. In the moment of pure creation, when you drop everything else, and surrender fully to becoming a vehicle for something authentic in a way that feels otherworldly is quite a magnificent, and powerful process to be part of. Imagine honing that process to put the power toward a specific goal? The results, could indeed, be quite awesome ... And at this point, I'm willing to open all avenues of healing so, with that in mind I reached for my
High Vibe Guide by: The Cosmic Collective which consists of Sarah Wilder of
The Fifth Element Life, Jo Klima of
The Darling Tree, and KV of
Aquarius Nation, printed off the first mandala corresponding to tonight's New Moon in Cancer, and got to work.
The theme of this mandala was focused on Self Love, and with that as my "mantra" I began working from the center and let the colors come to me without the force of my thinking-mind getting in the way. I'm not exactly sure "self love" is what was coming through on this, or if I was just intoxicated by the scent of freshly sharpened colored pencils (seriously, I wish this was perfume -- somebody make this happen) having been away from them for the better part of a decade, but if this really
is the visual expression of how I feel about myself, it certainly could explain, well, a lot actually.