Wednesday, October 24, 2012

All You Need is Tea & Warm Socks ...

The mantra of Fall babies everywhere, I'm convinced.

Double rainbow just for me?!
And so, the witching hour is upon us!  Thirty-two years ago, on a blustery day not so unlike today, my mother was precisely that number in years, and preparing to share her world with me.   As I understand it, I was the most easygoing of all her births (no surprise there).  I was, however, going about things quite at my own leisure, and needed a little nudge (hmm, sounds about right).  Without much ado at all, it seems, I appeared, and said, "Here I am,"  and edged out my little spot in the universe.

And that's how I like to spend each birthday ... just edging out a little spot in the universe to enjoy, pausing long enough to be aware of how wonderful it really is to be here, and remind myself to stop taking things for granted.  This is the one day when the whole world stops (in my house anyway), and I just get to be.  I leave the swinging from chandeliers for the rest of the year.  Today is mine, all mine (and everyone else's, but who's counting?), but I won't be totally selfish, I hope you all enjoyed My day too!

Photo by: Xavier Brown
