The weather this weekend has been exceptionally gorgeous, and you know there's only one thing to do on such an occasion (in my book anyway)!

That's right! Load up and hit the beach, even if it's just a little sliver along the Sound. People 'round
these parts KNOW you don't waste a sunny day inside, no matter what. No, that's not me on the sailboat -- I wish, I'd be having a total Duran Duran, Rio moment if I had one (when I have one). Knowing how to sail might be slightly important though...

We were landlubbers this time, well for the most part, that is! My dad's wife teases me -- when I see a beach I act like I'm about five years old. This is no secret! Shoes off. Pants rolled up. Soaked by a rogue wave. Not only do these things happen every time, it's just expected by now. I wouldn't have it any other way! Besides, Puppy couldn't have ALL the fun...